Extension cords aren't meant for permanent use. Learn how you can plug in safely.

Safety Quick Tip: Extension Cords


Do you have extension cords plugged in right now? Remember, extension cords aren't meant for permanent use. They can overheat and cause a fire.

Move plugged-in devices closer to the outlet if possible. If you need an extension cord, use a smart plug to cut the power to the cord or unplug it when not in use.

<p>Extension cords aren't meant for permanent use. Learn how you can plug in safely.</p>

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Learn how you can plug in safely.</p> </div> <div class="ql-embed-article__body"><div class="ql-embed-media"><script type="text/javascript">if ($ === undefined || $ === null) { var $ = jQuery; }</script><link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.questline.com/static/styles/ql-embed-media.css"><div id="ql-embed-media-50cTu3iLxvRnPGkwt3k6ew" class="ql-embed-media__video"><div class="ql-video"><video poster="https://cdn.questline.com/asset/get/f84c601e-1092-4284-adb5-7ce12fc3983a" controls crossorigin="anonymous"><source src="https://player.vimeo.com/external/395951821.hd.mp4?s=7c778b4098839fc52097a8121234960b4ba2f41b&amp;profile_id=175" type="video/mp4"> <track label="English" kind="captions" srclang="en" src="https://cdn.questline.com/asset/get/c90d4f03-063b-4fea-9951-00f6e32b0f8d">Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video tag.</video></div></div></div><p>Do you have extension cords plugged in right now? Remember, extension cords aren't meant for permanent use. They can overheat and cause a fire.</p><p>Move plugged-in devices closer to the outlet if possible. If you need an extension cord, use a smart plug to cut the power to the cord or unplug it when not in use.</p></div> </div></div><style type="text/css">#ql-embed-5GHN5mqbqoxviL7W5LdLQU h1.ql-embed-article__title { display: none; }#ql-embed-5GHN5mqbqoxviL7W5LdLQU p.ql-embed-article__pubdate { display: none; }</style>