Homeowners' Association Meeting

We invite you to join us twice a year for HOA meetings.

Cobb EMC meets with local Homeowner Associations to provide resources to members and homeowners.

 The next Cobb EMC HOA meeting will be held in person on June 18, 2025. To be notified of future meetings, please complete the form below.

Each HOA represented by a board president or appointed representative will receive a bill credit on the association account – our way of saying thank you for attending. Credits are applied to association accounts, not individual accounts. The following credits are given: $50 for in-person HOA meetings, and $25 for virtual.

Please email hoaforum@cobbemc.com with any questions.


Bringing you value

Explore resources for our residential members below. 


We value providing educational opportunities for students in our community. 


Call Before You Dig

Are you planning a project that involves digging? Call 811 three business days before a digging project, no matter how small. Knowing where utility lines are buried can help you avoid injury, service outages and costly repairs. 


Sign up for future HOA Meeting notifications

Fill out the form below to be notified of our future Homeowners' Association Meetings. 

Sign Up for Future Meeting Notifications

Alternate Contact

Please provide information for an alternate HOA contact
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