Outdoor Lighting Outages

Help us keep our communities safe and bright.

If you notice a streetlight or outdoor area light is out, please use the form below to report the issue. Repairs are typically made within 7-10 business days, though some more extensive issues could take up to three weeks to repair. Thank you for helping to keep our community safe.

Here's how it works:

Step 1

Report streetlight outages or issues using the form below.

Step 2

A crew will assess the issue as soon as possible.

Step 3

Based on the scope of the issue, the repairs will either be made in one visit (within 5-7 business days), or may require more extensive repairs, with crews returning a second time within 2-3 weeks.

If you notice additional issues with the light (light blinking, light too bright, damage to pole, etc.), please contact Cobb EMC at 770-429-2100.



Report an Outdoor Lighting Outage

Best time to contact if we have questions about your streetlight outage report:
Is the streetlight ...
Is there physical damage to the light itself?
Is there physical damage to the light pole?
Are wires exposed at the base of the pole?
Do branches need trimmed away from the light?
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