Our Reliability
We're committed to bringing you dependable power with fewer interruptions.
At Cobb EMC, we're focused on delivering reliable service to our members. We have a resilient energy grid, and we’re working every day to improve and maintain our infrastructure to provide perfect power. That means you experience fewer interruptions, and should the power go out, we get the lights back on as quickly as possible.
Most Reliable Power in the Nation
Cobb EMC is ranked #1 nationally for delivering reliable power according to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers’ 2024 benchmark year study results. Reliability is more than just our job. It’s our purpose.

Learn how we work to ensure a resilient grid, so you have the power you can rely on:
System Upgrades
One of the most important things we do to provide reliable electricity is maintaining and updating our infrastructure. Just like we service our vehicles with regular oil changes and inspections, the electric grid must also be maintained. We regularly inspect, improve and monitor 9,000+ miles of line across five counties. This can include changing old poles, building new substations, or replacing aging underground cables.
Our Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system also increases the efficiency of our system upgrades and maintenance by continuously monitoring equipment status and performance and feeding the information back to our Power Control technicians. Cobb EMC was the first cooperative in Georgia and the first co-op of its size in the nation to implement SCADA. This is just one of the many ways we’re working to bring you reliable power.
Smart Technology
Our smart grid includes smart meters, a fiber-optic network for fast and secure communications from the field to the office, and one of the most technologically advanced power control systems in the world. Our Power Control technicians provide centralized monitoring of power system operations and weather 24/7, 365 days a year. Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) technology allows our power control team to monitor the electrical system from our campus. When a meter on our system loses power, we’re immediately notified. In many cases, we can diagnose the problem and re-connect service with the flip of a switch.
Cobb EMC also uses a combination of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Outage Management Systems (OMS) to group outages and predict the outage location. Our mobile workforce management system electronically dispatches outage tickets to crews in the field. The wireless integration of these and other electronic systems enables improved response times and customer service.
Our smart grid includes smart meters, a fiber-optic network for fast and secure communications from the field to the office, and a technologically advanced power control system, which has been studied by utilities across the nation and worldwide. This smart technology helps keep your lights on, even when a problem arises.
Smart Meters
Smart meters are digital meters that use the latest advanced metering and communications technologies. This allows our power control team to know exactly when a meter on our system loses power. In many cases, we’re able to diagnose the problem and restore power immediately – all from our campus – through automation.
Smart meters transmit hourly meter readings through secure two-way communications back to Cobb EMC, similar to a cell phone network.
Smart meters also allow you to track electricity use by the hour so you can make smart energy decisions. Reading a smart meter is easy. Once you learn the basics, you can easily measure your own electric use by simply checking your meter. Your smart meter uses a digital readout alternating between two different displays:
- The initial screen will display "888888…" indicating that the unit is functioning properly.
- The next screen shows the total kWh of energy use. This 5-digit number is cumulative and may include leading zeros.
Cobb EMC does not reset the meter each month, so you can see how much electricity you have used by simply subtracting the previous month’s reading from the present reading. Your previous month’s reading can be found on your bill statement.
Innovative Technology
Cobb EMC strives to bring you innovation and continual improvement. We’re implementing and continue to explore new technology – padmounted distribution substations, drones and satellite imagery – so we can deliver the reliable electricity you expect.
Providing reliable power at an affordable price
Our commitment to our members extends beyond providing reliable electric service – we also strive to do so at an affordable price. To do this, we purchase electricity from several different producers at the best rates we can negotiate. To learn more about our rate options, visit our rate selection tool.
Sources: National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Cooperative Research Network, Sandia National Laboratories, Idaho National Laboratory, Cooperative Research Network and articles written by Scott Gates, NRECA.

Power Blinks
Power blinks typically occur when something comes into contact with a power line or protective device, creating a quick rise of electrical current. The brief delay usually lasts less than two seconds and is most often caused by trees, animals, and lightning. Learn about these brief service interruptions and how we work to minimize their impact.

Trimming Trees
Many of the power outages in our service area are tree-related. Trees and brush can be conductors of electricity, and trimming is necessary to avoid outages and safety hazards for our crews and the general public. Proactively trimming trees along our power lines helps reduce blinks and outages and eliminates safety hazards for our crews and the public.

System Resiliency
To provide the most efficient service possible, we power our homes and businesses from various sources. Each of Cobb EMC’s more than 200 distribution circuits is tied in with others so, if necessary, power can be delivered from an adjoining circuit. This allows for more outages to be restored faster. See how we provide reliable service to our large industrial/commercial members.

Power You Can Count On
Investments in our infrastructure and smart grid technology help us prevent outages and ensure we can restore power to as many members as quickly as possible in the event outages do occur. We’ve leveraged this technology to restore power in less than 5 minutes to more than 800k members cumulatively since 2006.

Supporting Future Linemen
We’re proud to support the next generation of linemen by partnering with the Georgia Northwestern Technical College (GNTC) and the Cobb Innovation and Technology Academy (CITA). Cobb EMC has helped to relocate a training yard at GNTC and built a new training yard at CITA. These facilities will serve to prepare future linemen with the skills needed to be safe and successful in the field.

Bringing Power Abroad
Cobb EMC linemen are proud to volunteer to assist NRECA International in their efforts to provide access to safe, reliable, and affordable electricity worldwide. Our linemen have brought electricity to rural locations in Bolivia, Costa Rica and Guatemala. The NRECA International Fund has helped establish over 250 electric utilities and cooperatives in 48 countries.