The summer sun is shining and the warmer weather is here, so rooftop solar panels are at the top of many Cobb EMC members’ minds. To better understand the rooftop solar market in our area and what members should consider, we sat down with Cobb EMC’s Vice President of Power Supply, Rates, and DER Strategy, Tim Jarrell.
When asked if rooftop solar makes sense in our area, Tim Jarrell explained that the decision is personal: “Deciding to install solar can only be made by each of our members because it does require an investment. Everyone must research and decide if the investment and payback work for them. We offer tools on Cobb EMC’s website to help our members determine if solar is right for them and encourage them to use these tools to help make an informed decision.”
One of these tools is Cobb EMC’s rooftop solar assessment, where members can answer basic questions about their home, such as the roof’s age and shading percentage and the tool will estimate how much rooftop solar may cost. Another great resource is the rooftop solar checklist, which outlines all the items members should consider when making this decision, such as their personal reasons for purchasing solar. After doing their research, many members find that the payback period on a rooftop solar investment is longer in Georgia than in other energy markets due to the low rates in our area. According to Jarrell, “Cobb EMC’s rates are among the lowest in the state. While this is great for our members and means lower electric bills each month, it can make the economics for solar not as strong as in other states where utility rates are much higher. We’ve seen an increase in solar installations over the past few years, but not at a swift pace.”
Everyone must research and decide if the investment and payback work for them
Along with the growing number of installations in our area, there has unfortunately also been an increase in solar scams. Jarrell explains that being informed is one of the best ways members can avoid scams: “If it sounds too good to be true, then it’s probably a scam. Some steps to avoid getting scammed include taking the time to make the right decision and never rushing into signing a contract. You should also always gather several quotes and thoroughly research any solar company or installer before engaging with them. You can do this by checking their credentials, reviews, and ratings from reliable sources online. We hate to see any of our members get scammed and continuously provide information on our website and our communications on avoiding scams. Cobb EMC employees will never come to your home to sell you solar or ask you for money on the spot. That is a frequent tool used by scammers. Again – always do your research and get multiple quotes.”
Knowing where to start can feel overwhelming for members who decide to proceed with rooftop solar. Most reputable contractors will be able to guide you through the installation process, but to help simplify the process even further, Cobb EMC created the I’m Ready to Install Rooftop Solar webpage to help members understand the process.
Jarrell summarizes the process: “The first step in the installation process is to start the interconnection process. Interconnection allows a rooftop solar system to connect with Cobb EMC’s grid. This process involves paperwork that must be completed by both the member and their solar contractor. Once all paperwork has been received, Cobb EMC will review and approve the application if all the required information meets our interconnection requirements. This is to ensure the safety of both the rooftop solar system and Cobb EMC’s grid. Once approved, the installation can begin. After the installation is complete, the city or county must conduct and provide a final inspection to Cobb EMC. Once we have this inspection, Cobb EMC will install a net meter at the member’s home to measure solar generation accurately and reduce usage on the member’s bill. Some fees must be paid through the interconnection process to cover the work required by the utility, like the net meter installation. Overall, we try to keep things simple while ensuring that all solar interconnections are done safely and efficiently.” To learn more about rooftop solar, visit Cobb EMC’s Solar Energy Center to get started.