Board Elections
Director elections take place at the Annual Meeting in September. In accordance with Cobb EMC’s bylaws, candidates may petition for election to the board.
Cobb EMC is regulated by a board of nine directors, elected from, and by, the membership to oversee operations and work collectively to represent the best interests of fellow Cobb EMC members.
Directors are Cobb EMC members who live in Cobb EMC's service area. The nine positions are elected on a rotating basis for three-year terms. In accordance with Cobb EMC's bylaws candidates may petition for election to the board.
Members interested in running for the board must meet certain requirements and accept all director obligations and responsibilities.
Voting for director elections take place via mail, email, online or at the Annual Meeting in September. Voting will be available in August 2025. Members have four options for voting in director elections:
In-person at the meeting.
All members must provide photo identification at registration. Commercial, government and church groups must provide authorization to represent their organizations at registration.
Online ballot
Online in August 2025 at
Within your Cobb EMC account
Returning this year: A “Vote Now” button will be available in August 2025 within your Cobb EMC online account or through the Cobb EMC app.
By mail-in ballot
Election Services Corporation, the third-party service coordinating the election, will mail packets containing candidate biographies and ballots in August 2025.
Voting assistance
All voting is handled by a third-party company, Election Services Corporation, which is separate from Cobb EMC. Please contact Election Services Corporation with any questions or if you need assistance. They can be reached at 1-866-720-4357 or, Monday thru Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. (ET).
Below are the candidates for the current year.
Director Election in 2025
SECTION 3.08. Notice of Nominees. The Secretary shall be responsible for posting at the Cooperative’s headquarters and on its website the nominees for the election, and if received on or before the fourth Friday in May, shall include same in the notice to the Members for the meeting at which the election is to be held.
District 4 | David McClellan |
District 5 |
Tripper Sharp |
District 8 |
Bryan Boyd |
Director Elections Process
- Nominate. To be eligible to be a nominee for a director or to become or remain a director, a member must adhere to the guidelines listed in SECTION 3.04 of Cobb EMC's bylaws.
- Petition. Members seeking to be nominated for election to the board must submit a written petition of at least thirty-five (35) or more members of Cobb EMC whose service address is in the same district as the petitioner’s service address. The 2024 nomination petition is due May 24.
- An incumbent director is deemed to be nominated as long as they continue to meet the qualifications in Section 3.04 and notify the Secretary in writing of their intent to run.
- Vote. Voting for election of directors shall be by secret ballot; PROVIDED, however, that when a nominee has no opposition, secret ballots shall be dispensed with in respect to that particular election, and voting may be conducted at the Annual Meeting by voice vote or in any other proper manner.
Full details of the director elections process can be found in Cobb EMC's bylaws. Members are encouraged to review Cobb EMC's bylaws and to contact Kris Delaney if they have any questions about any requirements related to director elections. Learn more about Cobb EMC.
Cobb EMC District Boundaries
Zoom in and out using the map below to view more details of each district's geographical boundaries.