Cobb EMC is now ranked #1 in Georgia for having the lowest electric rates in the state among all 90 reporting electric utilities according to the Georgia Public Service Commission's 2023 residential summer rate survey.
The survey showed that Cobb EMC members' monthly bills are averaging approximately $97.50, which is $40.76 lower than the average of all 90 reporting electric utilities for 1,000 kWh consumption ($138.26).
The Georgia PSC summer survey ranks electric providers on rates in effect for summer 2023, based on total electric bill amounts of 500, 1,000, 1,500, and 2,000 kWh.
Media Contacts:
Cobb EMC | Mike Codichini | 678-355-3058 | pr@cobbemc.com
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About Cobb EMC
Cobb EMC is a not-for-profit, member-owned electric cooperative. The company safely delivers reliable electricity to nearly 200,000 residential and commercial consumers in Cobb, Bartow, Cherokee, Fulton, and Paulding counties. Cobb EMC is consistently recognized for low-cost, reliable power, a commitment to renewable energy, and giving back to the communities it serves. Cobb EMC is one of the largest EMCs in the nation, and the company’s wholly-owned subsidiary Gas South is a leading provider of natural gas in the Southeast. For more information, visit www.CobbEMC.com.