Join us for a fun Halloween Trunk-or-Treat event!
Dress up in your favorite costume and join us for our third annual Trunk-or-Treat on October 26 from 12 – 2 p.m. at 1000 EMC Parkway, Marietta GA, 30060. There will be treats, balloon animals, electric vehicles and more.
Follow the safety and energy efficiency tips below for a safe and fun Halloween experience. Use energy efficiency tips in your everyday life to save energy and lower your bill.

Phantom Load
Save energy by reducing phantom load from appliances like game consoles or phone chargers. Learn more energy saving tips to make your holiday energy efficient!

Trick-or-Treat Safety Tips
Carry a flashlight or wear a glow necklace for visibility while trick-or-treating. Parents should inspect all treats before children eat them. Walk on sidewalks or as near to the curb as possible. Learn more safety tips at the link below.

Solar Flower Garden
Our Smartflowers generate power and are connected to the grid. Part of our 2030 clean energy goals, you can learn more about our Smartflowers and how they produce power.