Cobb EMC is working to maintain electric reliability using the latest technology. Partnering with Firmatek, we are conducting aerial inspections of the overhead distribution power lines in several areas throughout our service territory through the end of this week pending weather conditions. These inspections assist us in identifying any poles or equipment in need of maintenance or upgrades to proactively identify outage-causing issues and repair them before electric service is impacted.
We rank 1st in the nation for providing reliable power , according to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers’ 2024 benchmark year study results. One of the ways we accomplish this is by working to maintain our infrastructure using the latest technology in the industry.

Frequently Asked Questions:
- What can members expect during the aerial inspections? Members may see Firmatek contractors in their area performing inspections on Cobb EMC power lines utilizing drone technology. The inspections take place during daylight hours and will be only over our power lines.
- Who performs the inspections? The inspections are performed in partnership with Firmatek, our unmanned aircraft system (UAS) contractor. Our UAS is registered with the Federal Aviation Administration, and in using the aircraft, we adhere to all aviation laws as well as the best practices recommended by the National Telecommunication and Information Administration.
- How can I confirm the identity of the Firmatek contractors? The Firmatek contractors are required to place a Cobb EMC branded contractor magnet on their vehicles while performing the aerial inspections.
- How are Cobb EMC members notified of the aerial inspections? Cobb EMC will email all members within the area where we will be conducting the inspections a week before and on the day the inspections begin. We also notify local law enforcement to ensure they are aware of this effort. If you are not receiving emails from Cobb EMC, you may subscribe to stay informed, for co-op information and ways to save energy and money.
- Why is Cobb EMC using drone technology? Utilizing the latest UAS technology helps us lower costs, improve reliability and inspect overhead lines more efficiently.