Energy-efficiency upgrades don't have to bust your budget. Use these five low-cost tips to save energy and improve your bottom line.
5 Ways to Save With Budget-Friendly Upgrades
Energy-efficiency upgrades don't have to bust your budget. Use these five low-cost tips to save energy and improve your bottom line.
Making energy-efficiency upgrades to your business doesn't have to bust your budget. Take advantage of these five low-cost tips that can reduce your energy use.
Install a smart thermostat. Smart thermostats can significantly reduce your heating and cooling costs with little effort and maximum comfort.
Switch to LEDs. Still have old fluorescent tubes? Switching to LEDs will not only reduce your energy costs, but LEDs also have a longer life, reducing the maintenance and material costs of replacing lighting.
Install sensors. Installing occupancy and vacancy sensors will reduce energy wasted from lighting areas that no one is using. They also ensure lights are on when needed to help keep your workplace safe.
Reduce phantom power. Some electronic devices still use power even when they aren't in use. Stop this phantom power by plugging into smart plugs or advanced power strips.
Stop air leaks. Seal air leaks in exterior doors and windows with caulk or weatherstripping to make your indoor environment more comfortable and reduce the work your HVAC system has to do to keep it that way.
Use these five tips to lower your energy bills and improve your bottom line.
<p>Energy-efficiency upgrades don't have to bust your budget. Use these five low-cost tips to save energy and improve your bottom line.</p>
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Use these five low-cost tips to save energy and improve your bottom line. </p> </div> <div class="ql-embed-article__body"><div class="ql-embed-media"><script type="text/javascript">if ($ === undefined || $ === null) { var $ = jQuery; }</script><link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href=""><div id="ql-embed-media-3fd8c0f913664017a97561961f07c400" class="ql-embed-media__video"><div class="ql-video"><video poster="" controls crossorigin="anonymous"><source src="" type="video/mp4"> <track label="English" kind="captions" srclang="en" src="">Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video tag.</video></div></div></div><p>Making energy-efficiency upgrades to your business doesn't have to bust your budget. Take advantage of these five low-cost tips that can reduce your energy use.</p><ol><li><p><strong>Install a smart thermostat</strong>. Smart thermostats can significantly reduce your heating and cooling costs with little effort and maximum comfort.</p></li><li><p><strong>Switch to LEDs</strong>. Still have old fluorescent tubes? Switching to LEDs will not only reduce your energy costs, but LEDs also have a longer life, reducing the maintenance and material costs of replacing lighting.</p></li><li><p><strong>Install sensors</strong>. Installing occupancy and vacancy sensors will reduce energy wasted from lighting areas that no one is using. They also ensure lights are on when needed to help keep your workplace safe.</p></li><li><p><strong>Reduce phantom power</strong>. Some electronic devices still use power even when they aren't in use. Stop this phantom power by plugging into smart plugs or advanced power strips.</p></li><li><p><strong>Stop air leaks</strong>. Seal air leaks in exterior doors and windows with caulk or weatherstripping to make your indoor environment more comfortable and reduce the work your HVAC system has to do to keep it that way.</p></li></ol><p>Use these five tips to lower your energy bills and improve your bottom line.</p></div> </div></div><style type="text/css">#ql-embed-b7f1e5c7d3274611b49438ab9826c616 h1.ql-embed-article__title { display: none; }#ql-embed-b7f1e5c7d3274611b49438ab9826c616 p.ql-embed-article__pubdate { display: none; }</style>